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Emergency air analyses to meet Lubrizol Circular requirements

Post-Lubrizol in brief

With the aim of preventing major accidents involving hazardous substances and limiting their consequences for human health and the environment, in 2012 the European Parliament introduced the 2012/18/EU directive known as “Seveso 3”. In France, this directive was transposed by the decree of 26/05/14 on the prevention of major accidents involving ICPEs (Installations Classées pour la Protection de l’Environnement).

Following the fire at the Lubrizol plant in Rouen in 2019, this decree was reinforced by circular n°2020-1168 of 24/09/20, known as the “Lubrizol” circular. It requires operators of Seveso-classified sites to set up internal emergency plans, train staff in incident procedures and provide sampling and environmental analysis facilities to assess the impact of an accident. Sources INERIS (Institut National de l’Environnement industriel et des risques): decree no. 2020-1168 of 24/09/20 and order of 26/05/14 .

INERIS has set up RIPA (Réseau des Intervenants en Situation Post-Accidentelle) to help manufacturers find competent companies offering solutions in line with the Lubrizol circular. It brings together samplers and laboratories specialized in air quality analysis and monitoring of atmospheric pollutants, but above all capable of reacting in emergency situations. TERA environnement joined RIPA in 2023, confirming our capabilities in terms of analytical performance, the reliability of our analytical methods and our responsiveness to accident situations. On the one hand, we provide ready-to-use sampling media to respond to any incident, and on the other, we offer emergency post-accident analysis (<24 hours after receipt of samples).

Why use our laboratory?

1 – Reactivity:

This is the word our customers associate with TERA Environnement when asked to characterize our laboratory in a single term. TERA Environnement’s values include being as close as possible to your needs, and responding as quickly as possible. In line with this same proactive and reactive approach, a system of on-call duty has been in place for several years now, covering weekends and public holidays. We can therefore receive and analyze your samples on a daily basis, and send you an analysis report within the same timeframe.

2 – Experience and professionalism :

With over 20 years’ experience in air analysis under tight deadlines (in 24 hours or less) and a member of RIPA since 2023, we have undeniable experience in managing post-accident situations. It’s also worth noting that, back in 2014, our laboratory was able to work concretely on the sampling matrix for odorous compounds in post-accident situations.

3 – More than just an analysis laboratory :

TERA environnement will help you set up your emergency plan and provide you with all the necessary sampling equipment (canister, passive supports, etc.) as required by the Lubrizol Circular. In an emergency situation, the laboratory and its team will also support you throughout the analysis process, providing case follow-up and technical support to answer any questions you may have about crisis management.

The canister: excellent support in the event of an accident

The canister is an alternative sampling medium to the TEDLAR bag. It consists of a spherical vacuum canister with a SiloniteTM coating on the inside. This coating prevents the absorption of molecules on the walls, guaranteeing more accurate and representative analyses. TERA environnement has been carrying out air analyses on canisters for 20 years, giving us in-depth expertise and guaranteeing the reliability of our results.

Sampling can be carried out instantaneously or over several hours using a Veriflow flowmeter, offering the flexibility to adapt to analysis requirements. A wide range of compounds can be detected, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs), mercaptans, siloxanes and other air pollutants critical in post-accident situations.

Why is the canister the medium of choice for post-accident sampling?

  • Stability of molecules after sampling: Unlike other media, the canister preserves the integrity of the gases and vapors collected over a longer period.
  • Reduced risk of contamination: The vacuum system and internal lining limit interactions between the sampled air and the container wall.
  • Quick and easy to use: Easy to use, the canister requires no pre-treatment of samples, and fits perfectly into emergency protocols.
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements: Its use is recommended within the framework of the Lubrizol circular for improved accuracy and reliability of analyses.

TERA Environnement, your trusted ally for managing emergencies and demanding projects with guaranteed results in less than 24 hours, 7 days a week!

Consult our air analysis, equipment rental and supply services.

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