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Sampling media

TERA Environnement provides you with all the equipment you need for your air measurement campaigns!

When taking air samples, you can opt for either passive or active samplers. The choice of sampler takes into account, among other things, the medium being sampled, the substances being sought and the specific constraints of the measurement project.

Each sampling method has its advantages and disadvantages:

Passive samplersActive samplers
ImplementationSimple to use and lightweight device Use with a sampling pump
Sampling location Recommended for :
Indoor air
Ambient air
Workplace air
All air matrices including :
Soil gases
Emission air
Workplace air
Sampling timefrom 8 hours to several days from a few hours to 8 hours
Range of compounds Typical air quality compounds Very wide range of compounds
CostEconomical More expensive than passive samplers, but offers
performance for certain compounds that
passive samplers cannot.

Thanks to TERA Environnement’s complete offer, you can now approach the organization of your measurement campaigns with complete peace of mind. Our proposal includes not only air analyses, but also all the necessary samplers and equipment.

Our offer allows you to use just one service provider for your air measurements.

Sampling media

Here are just a few examples of the passive sampling media we can offer:

  • Radiello passive samplers for a wide range of VOCs, aldehydes, acids, etc.
  • Ogawa samplers for NOx
  • DIEM deposition plates for dusts and metals
  • SKC badges for gaseous mercury, etc.

Non-exhaustive list

Some examples of the active sampling media we can offer are listed below:

  • filters for PAHs, metals, dusts, acids and bases, crystalline silica
  • foams for PAHs, crystalline silica
  • tubes with various adsorbent types for a wide range of compounds
  • thermodesorption tubes for VOCs
  • hopcalite tubes for gaseous mercury
  • DNPH cartridges for aldehydes

Non-exhaustive list

  • PM respirable fraction cyclone
  • PM 2.5 or PM 10 impactors

Rapid shipment of sampling media

TERA Environnement dispatches sampling media within 48 to 72 hours, and can also offer emergency shipments within 24 hours at no extra cost.

For over 20 years, our expertise in air analysis has made us a trusted partner in meeting your needs.

Do you have any questions or do you need a quote? Contact us to find out more about our media supply and analysis services.

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