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Accreditations certifications


Our accreditations according to NF EN ISO/CEI 17025

TERA Environnement is committed to continuous improvement in the quality of its analyses.

Since 2014, TERA Environnement has been Cofrac Essais accredited for the Crolles (n° 1-5598) and Fuveau (n° 1-5599) laboratories for analyses of indoor air, ambient air, soil gases and workplace atmosphere according to NF EN ISO/CEI 17025.

Accreditations n° 1-5598 and 1-5599, list of sites and scopes available on

Standard NF EN ISO/CEI 17025 establishes general requirements for testing laboratories concerning:

The competence of the laboratory and its teams is an essential element to guarantee the quality and reliability of the results produced; in other words it is a question of mastering the competence of the personnel, the control of analytical equipment, the correct management of samples and the quality of tests. Analytical methods are validated and comply with normative, regulatory or contractual requirements. The validity of analytical results is guaranteed.

TERA Environnement also participates in inter-laboratory testing campaigns.

Impartiality is an essential principle which guarantees that the activities of testing laboratories are carried out objectively and without bias.
In other words, it means controlling the objectivity of analysis results, the absence of conflicts of interest, transparency and trust.

Confidentiality is an essential principle which ensures that the laboratory protects the confidential information and property rights of its customers.

Find out more about accreditation in our brochure.

Our MASE certification

Since 2022, TERA Environnement has been MASE certified for its two laboratories located in Crolles and Fuveau.

MASE is a management system whose objective is the permanent and continuous improvement of companies’ Health, Safety and Environment performance.

The objectives of MASE are as follows:

  • Continuously improve occupational health and safety and the environment through an appropriate management system;
  • Improve organization and communication within companies;
  • Improve working conditions for employees;
  • Manage the risks associated with coactivity between companies.

Our commitments

TERA Environnement is committed to:

  • Comply with the NF EN ISO/CEI 17025 standard;
  • Comply with the MASE standard (health, safety and environment);
  • Comply with legal, regulatory and other requirements applicable to us;
  • Implement and maintain continuous improvement of our performance to maintain customer satisfaction;
  • Enforce the Groupe TERA code of ethics within TERA Environnement and comply with the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR).

Our objectives for 2024

TERA Environnement’s health, safety, quality and environmental objectives for 2024 are as follows:

  • Improving the delivery times and compliance of our services;
  • Continuous improvement of our activities, our customer service and maintaining customer satisfaction;
  • Adapting our resources and staff skills to the increase in our activities;
  • Continuous adaptation to customer needs through our RD activities;
  • Promoting and developing of an HSE culture within TERA Environnement to guarantee and preserve employee health and safety;
  • Involvement of TERA Environnement in the implementation of national and international standards;
  • Participation in the HQE, BRGM and RIPA working groups.

Our membership in RIPA (Réseau des Intervenants en situation Post-Accidentelle = Network of Responders in Post-Accident Situations)

Since 2023, TERA Environnement has been a member of RIPA (Network of Responders in Post-Accident Situations). Being a member of RIPA means being a committed player in the management of environmental and health consequences of a technological accident, such as a fire.

RIPA’s objectives are to:

  • Take environmental samples as soon as possible after the accident to determine whether it has contaminated the environment.
  • Implement effective management measures to minimize long-term impacts.
  • Ensure the technical quality of investigations and meet deadlines.

As a laboratory accredited to NF EN ISO/CEI 17025, TERA Environnement intervenes upstream of accident situations, providing air sampling media for the air matrix, and downstream with emergency air analyses.

Consult the RIPA charter signed by TERA Environnement

Our approvals

Brussels-Capital Region certification: TERA Environnement is certifies in accordance with the environmental permits ordinance of June 5, 1997 and with article 8 of the Brussels-Capital Region government decree.

Do you have any questions or do you need a quote? Contact us to find out more about our analysis services.

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