Measurement of nitrous oxide (N2O) in air
Nitrous oxide (N₂O), a gas with major impacts. Why is it essential to measure it?
Nitrous oxide (CAS n°: 10024-97-2) is considered as one of the most dangerous greenhouse gases for the environment, contributing to both stratospheric ozone depletion and global warming.
In addition to its alarming role as a greenhouse gas, nitrous oxide, also known as nitrogen protoxide or laughing gas for its medical and recreational uses, is also toxic to humans. In the event of acute exposure, it can cause digestive, neurological or irritative disorders, and can even cause respiratory or cardiac damage in the event of heavy exposure.
For repeated, low-dose (chronic) exposure, nitrous oxide can cause neurological (impaired cognitive performance) and hematological damage, and adversely affect fertility and development.
Nitrous oxide can be found in a variety of media
Atmospheric emissions & Soil gases

- Chemical industry :
It is one of the priority compounds to be identified in emissions from stationary sources, notably because of its presence in atmospheric emissions, particularly during the manufacture of nylon, glyoxal and nitric, adipic and glyoxylic acids.
- Agriculture :
When nitrogen fertilizers are applied to soils, they undergo nitrification and denitrification processes. These biological processes transform nitrogen into various forms, including N₂O, which is then released into the atmosphere or trapped in soil gases (nitrification/denitrification phenomena in cultivated soils).
- Hospitals and veterinary surgeries:
Professionals in various sectors are likely to be regularly exposed, such as hospital and veterinary practitioners, who are particularly exposed to nitrous oxide due to its use as an anesthetic in surgery.
- Food industry, Microelectronics, Aerospace :
N₂O can be used as a propellant in food aerosols, such as whipped cream, in the manufacture of semiconductors or even as an oxidizer for rocket engines.
Workplace air / Occupational exposure

Established or recommended Occupational Exposure Limits Values (OELVs)
Occupational exposure limits values have been established or are recommended by various national bodies.
In Germany and the United States - 8h OELV established
United States: 50 ppm or 90 mg/m3
In the air - Anaesthesia in the United States :
In France - 8h OELV recommended
Air in the workplace - Anaesthesia in France :
Note that since February 2024, in France, the Anses has recommended a OELV for nitrous oxide of 25 ppm (i.e. 45 mg/m3) over 8h of exposure, as well as an indicative STEL-15min (short-term exposure limit values) of 225 mg/m3 (opinion and collective expertise report).
Why trust us with your nitrous oxide (N₂O) measurements?
TERA environnement offers you a comprehensive package, including the provision of sampling media and analysis services. In addition, we can support you in a wide range of matrices, from soil gases and air emissions to air in the workplace. Our limits of quantification (LOQ) are lower than the OELV.
- Outdoor ambient air and industrial emissions:
Sampling on canisters, TEDLAR bags or multi-layer bags for measurements in ambient air and at emission points, and analysis by OL GC TCD.
- Workplace air:
We offer analysis of nitrous oxide in workplace air using a zeolite tube (BaZSM5), either on the operator or at a fixed station. These systems are based on research carried out by INRS, and are manufactured and marketed by Antelia.
We offer 2 sampling methods for these tubes:
- A long passive measurement (between 1h and 4h) according to INRS MétroPol M-415 followed by analysis by ATD GC TCD.
- A short active measurement (less than 30 minutes) followed by analysis by ATD GC TCD according to INRS MétroPol M-416, too.
These 2 measures are recommended by Anses in their above-mentioned collective expertise report as part of the regulatory technical control of the OELV-8H and STEL-15min (Short-Term Limit Value) respectively.
Nitrous oxide (N₂O) analysis by ATD GC TCD after passive sampling on zeolite tube

Passive sampling of N₂O on zeolite tube
Analysis of nitrous oxide (N₂O) in ATD GC TCD
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