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Monitoring stations

TERA Environnement helps you monitor air quality!

TERA Environnement has a fleet of nearly 200 connected measuring stations available for rental for periods ranging from one week to several months.

Parameters measured with our stations

Our fleet includes measuring stations for real-time monitoring of ambient (outdoor) and indoor air. All our stations enable real-time monitoring of one or more of the parameters listed below, in addition to temperature and humidity.

  • Carbon dioxide CO2
  • Dust (PM1, PM2.5, PM10)
  • Total VOCs (in PID)
  • Nitrogen dioxide NO2
  • Ozone O3
  • Other available parameters such as formaldehyde or carbon monoxide CO

  • Dust (PM1, PM2.5, PM10)
  • Total VOCs (in PID)
  • Other available parameters such as carbon monoxide CO, nitrogen dioxide NO2, hydrogen sulfide H2S, ammonia NH3

Measurement station characteristics

Simple deployment
The measuring stations are light and space-saving (weight 700g and dimensions 29 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm). They are even less expensive to rent than other, bulkier devices. These advantages make it easier for our customers to achieve precise meshing of a defined area.

Power supply and autonomy
Indoor air measurement stations can be operated on mains or battery power. For ambient air measurements, solar panels are generally preferred or necessary.

Power supplyAutonomy
Indoor AirOn mains
Indoor air / Ambient airBattery-powered Multiple parameters: 2-3 days
Single parameter: up to 7 days
Ambient airSolar panel

Range of concentrations per parameter measured

Indoor air range Detection limit Uncertainties Measurement method
CO20 - 5000 ppm1 ppm± 50 ppm
± 3%
Infrared (NDIR)
PM0 - 1000 µg/m³1 µg/m³± 1 µg/m³Optical
Total VOC0 - 50 ppm1 ppb / LQ = 100ppb± 3%Photo-ionization (PID)
NO20 - 20 ppm15 ppb± 0.5 ppbElectrochemical
O30 - 20 ppm15 ppb± 0.5 ppbElectrochemical
Ambient air Range Detection limit Uncertainties Measurement method
PM0 - 1000 µg/m³1 µg/m³± 1 µg/m³Optical
Total VOC0 - 50 ppm1 ppb / LOQ = 100ppb± 3%Photo-ionization (PID)

Communication between measurement stations and the Cloud is via Sigfox or LTE networks.

Track your measurements remotely in real time

The data recorded by the measurement stations can be viewed in real time via a Cloud. It is not necessary to be close to the measuring stations to obtain a visual of the evolution of the parameters measured in real time.

Recorded data can also be retrieved after the measurement campaign by downloading them from dedicated software.

Do you have any questions or do you need a quote? Contact us to find out more about our measurement station rental services.

Let's get in touch